According to The Nielsen Company research we spend twice as much time on social networks than we did last year. How much, you would want to know? A whopping six and a half hours a month (an April 2010 example).
Interestingly, The Nielsen Company considers Facebook, Youtube, Wikipedia and blog sites all as social-media. I guess there is no one definition of what social media is, so everybody’s free to define it they way they see it.
Facebook is still growing rapidly in it’s popularity. Despite the fact that 62% of all active internet users already belong to Facebook, it is still the fastest growing social networking site. It gained 69% of unique audience over last year.
Surprisingly or not, the losers of our attention online are Myspace and Classmates and even LinkedIn. I guess we only have one pair of eyes each and social networking sites will have to fight to get them on their pages.
It makes me wonder if Nielsen will count interactive TV as social media use or just "TV use"--and what implications that could have for ad rates and such.